Tuesday 20 January 2015


A Healthy child makes a happy home

One definitely relates to the great saying, home is where the house is. And what makes our home a house, is undoubtedly our children. Children are the truest and the most innocent creation of god on this planet. When it comes to children everything about them is so innocent and so pure that one cannot afford to have any kind of adulteration of mixture to it. Similarly it comes to the health of our little ones, why should we compromise on the most essential requirement of our child?

I am sure, we as mothers or elders, want to ensure the best of everything for our little ones and let me tell you it starts with the most basic, which is their health. Given the proper amount of nutrition’s and diet, a child grows well and remains healthy. Not just that but every little happening of a child’s life affects their parent. Take this simple example of exams, it’s more like the Mother is giving the exam and not the Child. I remember when I was in school and when my Mother used to take up my lessons, she taught me as though my learning was the only thing that mattered and she taught me with all her heart and her mind. 

Talking about health, it is the most important thing. There goes this saying that Health is Wealth. Not just for a child but for everybody, health is very important. Child’s health is given utmost importance, the reason being that those are the growing years of a child and a good immune system now will make a better immune later. Also, a child’s health matters the most to a Mother because it is the mother who lives through the child. Haven’t you heard the saying, “A child gives birth to a Mother.” This statement is true in every aspect. As a small foetus grows to a child and a child gives birth to a Mother.

Why does one say that a health child brings happiness to home? Simply because it is a child who brings life to a house and makes the four walls of a house, a home. A child’s laughter brings joy to the entire family. A child’s sorrow is a moment of grief for all. Not just that but also a healthy child reflects the upbringing of a child. Upbringing of a child just doesn't involve clothing or shelter but it largely comprises of a healthy eating, a healthy living and ultimately a healthy environment.

The more nutritious is the intake of a child, the more it keeps the child physically and mentally fit. With Dabur Chyawanprash immunity of a child is well taken care of by a healthy intake of all the necessary nutrients that a child requires. Giving a child 3 times more immunity.

This post is part of IndiBlogger Happy Hour Contest. Do check the link below: https://www.liveveda.com/daburchyawanprash/.

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